We were involved in a blizzard of activities trying to see people during our short home visit. First we flew to Texas to see my sister, her family and my Dad and Betty for a few days. Our church hosted an Open House for us one evening. It was amazing and overwhelming to see how many people came out just days before Christmas to bid us good-bye and send their well wishes. We only wish the evening could have been longer so we had more time with each person. Then there was John's family Christmas with over 50 people squeezed into his Mom's house and a visit from Santa. Two of our nephews spent a final sleep-over with us giving their parents a quiet night at home while we enjoyed their company seeing a movie and playing games. We both visited school to chat with former co-workers. I had a final Girls Night Out with friends. We managed to squeeze in a couple of visits with John's Mom, his sister and as well as our best friends. There wasn't enough time to visit with everyone.
In between the visits, we were interviewed by a reporter for our local newspaper. If you'd like to read the article we wrote, click here.
We drove in three different snow storms. Even though they all couldn't be classified as blizzards, each was harrowing in it's own way. Driving home from New York with John's sister and husband we got caught in an unexpected ice storm in Pennsylvania. Thanks to the driving skills of both men, we made it through a couple of harrowing hours. Then driving back to New York, John and I just happened to find black ice outside of Louisville, KY. We never found out why traffic was stopped, but three tow trucks drove by while we were stopped. To help pass the time I read to John and we even played cards for awhile. Our final snowstorm was just this morning as we were driving back from visiting Andrea in Oneonta. Snow flurries with no accumulation was predicted for this afternoon. Since we were leaving early in the morning we really weren't concerned. Only an hour into the trip the flurries turned into heavy snow with snow packed roads. I don't think John is going to miss winter driving!
There was a blizzard of activity as we did our final packing. It seems like we have been working on this for weeks. We had several lists of suggested items to take that we used as we made trips to purchase items. Of course several days after shopping we always thought of something else that we ought to take. Our last purchasing trip was just yesterday! John had his own personal method of packing so the best thing for me to do was help set out things and then get out of his way. There was plenty for me to do as I cleaned the apartment, compiled lists of addresses, phone numbers, wrote cards and final emails. We enjoyed one last meal with Sisters Paula and Noel hearing even more stories about their time in Kenya.
I don't know that you could call it a blizzard, but more of a flood of tears as we spent the last "free day" with Andrea. She spent most of her Christmas vacation with us in a strange house without any TV or internet access. What a trooper not to complain, but offering to help in any way that she could. I'm sure it wasn't her best Christmas ever. Now that she is back at school coaching she is in high gear with two practices a day working to get the team back into shape after too many Christmas goodies. We were so glad to be able to spend a day with her eating at a favorite spot and playing pitch that evening. We got in as many hugs and kisses as possible hoping that they will be enough to last until the next we see one another.
As I write this John and I are at a hotel next to the airport. It seems impossible that we fly out tomorrow morning for Kenya. Mary will be arriving within the hour. The flights and layover last about 20 hours and we will arrive in Nairobi about 2:00 on January 2nd. We will be met at the airport by a lay missioner, Vicki Smith. She will take us to the Maryknoll House where we will spent the first night with the priests and brothers. Then we will move to the Flora Hostel on Sunday where we will be living as we attend language school for the next four months. School starts Monday morning at 9:00!
Ready or not, Kenya here we come!