Monday, August 10, 2009

First Days of Retirement

Almost everyone we've ever talked to that is retired wonders how they ever had time to work. They say they are busier than ever in retirement. That has certainly been true for us thus far.

Teachers typically begin to think about school just after the Fourth of July. Then once August begins they start trips to school spending a couple of hours here and there getting their classrooms ready. That is all done before they are ever required to return to work.

In the month of July, we have taken a family vacation with both daughters, had a garage sale, entertained visitors from Nigeria, enjoyed time in the States with Katrina, sold our house, bought a new house and the continual sorting and packing. August has been busy with Cindy spending time in Nigeria with Katrina while John remained home finishing up the rest of the packing and making the final arrangements for our imminent move. During this week when our colleagues return to school, John will finish packing, Cindy will fly home, they will sign the official retirement papers, close on both the old and new house, and finally move. I'd say we have been entirely too busy to notice that we aren't returning to our former teaching positions!

We have been working toward this move since February once we knew we had been accepted as Maryknoll Lay Missioners. It is now almost a reality. Many of our household items are gone, most of the possessions that we have decided to keep are packed, and we are ready to downsize for the next month.

In this next month we will "camp" with the bare necessities in our new home, visit family, and say goodbye to friends and coworkers. We are looking forward to seeing everyone one more time before we begin this great adventure.

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