Sunday, March 8, 2015

Visit to Stacey's Home

The KCSE results were released on Tuesday. It is a huge day for students, parents, teachers, administrators, literally anyone involved in the educational system.

Stacey is one of my Form IV Leavers. That means she has finished school at St. Monica's. She was one of the top students in my homeroom class. Her parents were extremely active and involved in school activities, coming to visit Stacey any time they could giving not only Stacey advice and support, but also many girls in our class and others.
As I expected, Stacey did very well on her KCSE, scoring an A-. That gives her direct admission to the university and a chance for a good career. Her parents had asked me to come visit them but it had never worked out until this past weekend. We were invited on Saturday to celebrate her results. In these two photos they are examining the official results.
Her father as I understand it, has a position similar to a county extension agent, he advises farmers on agricultural and animal husbandry. He works for a British project similar to the American Project Heifer. Stacey's mother supervises their farm activities. They have an orchard with many types of fruit, grow maize and beans, napier grass to feed their cattle, have started a small dairy herd and poultry. They sell their products to local projects and hotels (restaurants). Kennedy, Stacey's father, was proud to tell us that the farm is what has been paying school fees for both Stacey and her brother, Ryan, who is in university.

Stacey is a bright, responsible girl who will do well in whatever career she follows. She is hard-working, conscientious, motivated, and sensible. With young people like her as future leaders, perhaps the country will eventually get rid of corruption. Her family was surprised and thrilled by her results especially since her score on the KCPE (test at the end of 8th grade) was a B-.

As we were leaving they presented us with a bunch of bananas from the banana orchard. They are the small, about 4 inch bananas that are really sweet. We look forward to enjoying them at the end of the week. We also received the gift of some fabric. You know how I love fabric!

It was a wonderful visit and day. I think everyone felt blessed with the fellowship and friendship.

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