I represented the Maryknoll Lay Missioners at the yearly General Assembly of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. I had a good time learning more about the Society and spending time visiting with the priests and brothers. The countries represented were Namibia, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sudan and Kenya. You could tell the priests were also enjoyed reconnecting with one another. Sister Teresa was also there representing the Maryknoll Sisters.
John enjoyed telling everyone that I had left him this week for 25 other men!
I had to give a 10 minute presentation on our organization on Monday. After that I was free to simply listen and take notes about things that might affect our organization. My impression is that we are facing many of the same problems as the Society: small numbers, distance,name recognition, priorities of those working abroad and those in the home office, confusion over finances and financial procedures, length of meetings, and representing the Catholic church in developing nations.
The highlight of the three days was the celebration of the Jubilarians. Two priests celebrated 60 years as Maryknoll priets, one 40 years and two 25 years. Afterwards we had a nice feast with entertainment. I wish I had some pictures of us dancing!
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