We just got this photo. These are the lay missioners from the four sending groups that met here last month. Aren't we a good looking group? Two are going to Asia, about half are going to Latin America and the other half to Africa. We had a great time together and learned much from one another.
It seems impossible that we only have three weeks left here at Bethany! Classes are starting to wind down, but practical details have become pressing. There are only three more classes scheduled. Our travel medicine expert will be talking about staying healthy in mission. Next week we have our final Scripture class with Brother Jack and then a closing retreat. The rest of the time will be spent in individual meetings about health care, benefits, human resources, and accounting. All that fun stuff that is so important.
There are two big ceremonies coming up. On Friday, December 10th we will be having our Commitment Ceremony. This is a small gathering of the seven candidates (us), other Maryknoll Lay Missioners, staff, mentors and special guests that have been a part of our orientation program. During the Mass we will sign our covenant with Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
The biggest celebration is our Sending Ceremony on December 12th. This is a combination graduation and send off. The theme is "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" Isaiah 52:7 The altar will be decorated with items from the countries where we will be going: Bolivia, El Salvador, Panama, Cambodia, China, Tanzania,and Kenya. Prayers will be spoken in the languages we will be speaking. We will be "called forth" into mission, presented with our mission crosses and then "sent forth". As a closing there will be a ringing of the sending bell. This is a tradition that dates back to 1911 when the very first Maryknoll missionaries were sent to mission.
The night before the Sending Ceremony is the Christmas Concert. This too is a traditional event with choir members from the Fathers and Brothers, Sisters, and Lay Missioners. I'm singing too! I haven't sung in a choir since high school. I'm usually stationed at the keyboard. Those high notes aren't as easy to reach as they used to be. The chapel is dark as the concert starts. We will enter from the basement with lighted candles. I guess it is a very impressive sight and a musical treat.
Now, not only are we finishing classes and planning these ceremonies, but also trying to take care of travel details. We're working on booking flights, applying for visas, setting up bank accounts so we can receive money, purchasing last minute needed items. Think getting ready for vacation, but this trip will last a much longer time.
Here's what our break is going to look like. We will start driving back to Kansas on Sunday, December 13th arriving home the evening of the 14th. On Wednesday we'll fly to Dallas to see my sister Kathy, her family, and Dad and Betty. We'll return home on Friday. Sunday is Korb Christmas. Andrea will be flying in that morning. I think we'll be spending Christmas day with John's mom. She usually comes over to our house for lunch, but that won't be possible this year! Andrea leaves on the 26th and we are hoping to start driving back to New York on the 27th. We'll stop by Andrea's gym in between those two-a-day practices she'll be having.
We'll try to see as many of you as possible during our limited time in Kansas. I know and understand that with the holidays your time too is limited with holiday preparations.
We leave for Kenya on January 1st. What an appropriate start to the new year.