Sunday, January 25, 2015

Water Shortage

This is the first time we have run out of water in our house since we've lived in this house, for four years. This is the reason why.

Most houses in Kenya have a water tank to store water. On our compound, every house has its own water tank. Ours holds about 200 - 250 gallons. Even if water isn't running in the pipes from the city, there is usually enough in storage in the tank to hold you over.

For some reason this dry season the water isn't running. Although we were gone most of the month of November and all of December, we ran out of water. Obviously, the city is having trouble delivering water through the pipelines. Part of the problem is that when the water does flow the water pressure is so low that it can't run up to fill the tanks.

Fortunately we do have an outside tap that isn't linked to water tanks. So, six houses were using this tap to fill buckets when the water was flowing. We all found as many buckets and basins as we could and filled them so we'd have water to use.

Now we have a supply of water for washing dishing, drinking, and occasionally washing hands. In the meantime hand sanitizer works just fine.

We've learned that our kitchen tap isn't connected to the rest of the water pipes in the house. When the water was running at times we have running water in the bathrooms but not the kitchen. Figure that one out!

I'm happy to report that this weekend we have had a little more pressure and a little more water available to use. John has filled up the buckets so Alice can do our laundry and clean the house tomorrow. O'Cheing hasn't been daily washing out car. Instead,he is using a rag to brush the dust off of the windshield and doors. I noticed at school that it has a nice red roof from the dust.

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