Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving with the Nuncio

It is traditional that the Maryknoll Lay Missioners celebrate Thanksgiving with the Maryknoll Fathers, Brothers and Sisters. Guests are also often invited. Father Lance, who can be quite funny and irreverent, sent an email about two weeks that said the Nuncio would be joining us saying the Mass and for dinner. (A nuncio is an ambassador from the Vatican to foreign countries.) The email told us that he could be a hoot, but we needed to be on our best behaviour and act Catholic. Now, what exactly does a Catholic act like?

The nuncio lives just down the street on the same block as the Maryknoll Fathers. When the Fathers celebrated the centennial of the Maryknoll Society two years ago, the nuncio came, said the Mass and joined for the meal afterwards. At that time the nuncio was from France, a very formal and conservative man. You did need to be on your best behaviour.

Recently an new nuncio from the US had been appointed to Kenya. None of us knew what to expect. It was probably the most memorable Thanksgiving we have ever had.

We first heard this deep booming voice outside the chapel.

As you can see from the photos, he is a large man. In fact, you could say he is larger than life. He had a very nice Mass with humour and laughter telling stories about growing up in New York.
After Mass we had the usual Sundowner at 6:00 that included snacks and drinks. It was a beautiful evening sitting outside with all the guests. Everyone could hear the nuncio's voice laughing and telling story after story during this time and during the dinner. He was thrilled that there was turkey and pumpkin pie!

It has been a nightly activity for Rhema and Bethany, ages 7 and 8, to have a show in the library after dinner. The nuncio wasn't in any hurry to leave and was glad to continue the evening's ambiance.

After the girls' Thanksgiving puppet show, they wanted to play Musical Chairs. The nuncio was an eager participant.

Then the singing of songs began. We haven't laughed so much as a group in a long time. The MK priests and well as all of us couldn't believe how informal and down-to-earth he was.

As he left for the evening, we all joined in singing "So long, fare well, auf Wiedersehen . . ." from The Sound of Music. What an amazing evening.

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