We have arrived in Nairobi safe and sound. I would be happy to fly Emirates Airlines again anytime in the future. We had heard that they were a more upscale airlines. That was more than demonstrated as we had chilled real silverware with our meals, three course meals, warm washcloths to clean our faces, over 150 movies to choose from, 50 TV shows to watch, at least 50 interactive games to play. On that first twelve hour flight they sure came in handy. For me it was a three movie, two Grey’s Anatomys, online crossword puzzle, three meals and two short nap flight. Like Mary said, “I don’t think I’ve ever watched so many movies in one day before!” The seats also moved forward as you leaned back making for a more comfortable ride.
The longest leg of our flight was from New York to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It is interesting to check the flight map when you are on international flights to see where you are on your route. This map even showed where it was day and night. Our plane even had cameras mounted pointing downward and forward so you could see the scenery as you were flying. It was amazing to see all the ridges of sand in the United Arab Emirates as we were coming down for landing. Sand, sand, sand everywhere. The green was all contained within walls around houses. We’re guessing that the green is all due to cultivation and irrigation. We also think we saw an olive grove with lots and lots of trees.
Vicki was there to meet us as planned. She was starting to get worried about us because we were taking so long to get through customs and baggage claims. One of our checked bags didn’t arrive, so we were filling out the required paperwork. The airlines had already notified Nairobi that the bag wasn’t transferred in Dubai. For some reason they didn’t leave New York with the rest of our things.
As I write this it is raining and thundering. We drove in a short shower this afternoon once we arrived. We are staying at the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers tonight. Father Doug and several other priests gave us a warm welcome. Shortly after we arrived they had a happy hour followed by dinner. We’re looking forward to a warm shower and then bed!
Photos: John and Mary are in line to enter Kenya. John and Vicki. Mary and Father Don.
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